The Bible tells us that man is incapable of righteous self-government, so the United States, even though founded on Biblical principles, is bound to fail. Only the government God will establish on Jesus’ rightness and wisdom is capable of long and everlasting reign.
But, does that mean we should just give up? God expects us to try to make this world a better place, to be salt and light, and to teach the world about Jesus, forgiveness, and agape (brotherly) love. So, we must persevere and keep working on this corrupt world to bring more souls to Jesus!
What Can We Do?
First, remember that our most powerful weapon is prayer! It is amazing that otherwise strong Christians, while saying that prayer is powerful and necessary, rarely think to pray first before trying to do something using their own limited power and wisdom. Pray first, then act! James 5:16 “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” Pray fervently, frequently, and passionately!
Next, spend daily quality time reading the Word to make sure you know God’s teaching and His will. This is another unfortunate trait of modern Christians. Reading the Word has taken a back seat to listening to someone else’s opinion of what the Word says – no wonder so many are being deceived! Absolutely, listen to what others say, but search the scriptures for yourself. As our beloved Savior said (John 5:39) “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.” Before reading, ask God to speak to you and influence your opinions and actions. His answer will not likely be an audible voice from God, but He will speak to your Spirit, who will gently put thoughts and ideas into your mind. He may also speak to you through the words of others or through things that occur throughout your regular routine. Pay attention! Keep your mind open and searching for the answers to your prayers. Be ever mindful of what the spirit is telling you or showing you and how your prayer is being answered.
What is God Calling You to Do?
The Lord may call us to write a blog, join a political movement, preach, evangelize – any number of things! The point is to follow His voice. Here are some possibilities:
Take a Stand for Life
Abortion is a major battlefield right now in the political arena. Satan is tearing this nation apart over this issue! Opinion polls say that most Americans are pro-life, but our government representatives are often unconcerned about the opinions of their constituents. There is much political fervor over abortion and women’s rights, but is this really a political issue? And, do women really have the “right” to destroy life? God creates life, even today. This is a Christian issue with tremendous backlash for the church. If we lose this battle, we lose the most fundamental battle – who is sovereign over life? If God is the author of life, then He is sovereign over His own creation and only He can determine when life begins and who should live or die. There are many places in the Bible that indicate that life begins in the womb. Therefore, from a Christian perspective, life must be present before birth and God expects us to protect others, especially those who cannot care for themselves.
Unwed mothers are very much a reality these days. We don’t need to condone their condition or judge them (if, indeed, there is any need for judgement on part anyway! Matthew 7:1 “Judge not that ye be not judged”), but we can help them and possibly lead them to Jesus in the process. Many unwed mothers decide to obtain an abortion because they have no help and don’t know what else they can do. Often, they don’t really want to make that decision, but, without support from an objective and mature person with a Christian pro-life viewpoint, they see it as their only solution to a perplexing problem. These women are usually ashamed of what they have done and looking for forgiveness and a way out of the mess they have gotten themselves into. We have a unique opportunity to point them to Jesus for forgiveness, love, and hope for a bright future, despite their circumstances.
One organization you can try to help is (stop abortion, help unwed mothers); – learning to stand for prolife. Do you know of others? Please share in comments for approval and they will be posted to this site.
Help the Children
Caring for orphans is an important part of the Christian walk (and also cares for those you saved by stopping abortions). The foster care systems in every state are overwhelmed with the number of foster children they are trying to place. And orphans needing a home and parental influence. There is no more fertile field of evangelism than helping a lost and confused child to find love, safety, and Jesus! Fostering or adopting children is biblical fundamental biblical Christianity! James 1:27 “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”
But we are not all able to adopt or foster a child. That does not mean that we cannot help these children! There are many ways to help that don’t involve the commitment of adoption or fostering.
Some organizations that you can try to help are – Mentor for widows, orphans, women released from prison (this is in the state of Oklahoma only); – helping unwed mothers and adoption (this is also in Oklahoma only); – helping foster children (in Oklahoma) – this blog comes to you from Oklahoma, but do you know of others, perhaps national organizations? Please share in comments for approval and they will be posted to this site.
Help with Sexual Identity
Homosexuality and gender fluidity are also very politically hot topics. Again, we are faced with a Christian/moral issue that has been stolen by the political arena. But we know that God “created them male and female.” From the beginning, God has determined gender by the way our bodies were crafted in the womb. As for marriage, God created that institution also, and He created it to be between a man and a woman with no other arrangement. God has forbidden sexual sin since the beginning of the world and that has not changed. These people are confused, not lost! We can bring them to Jesus!
An organization you can try to help are – helping homosexuals leave that lifestyle. Do you know of others? Please share in comments for approval and they will be posted to this site.
What else?
Called to public speaking or politics? There are many positions and offices that need more Christian involvement, especially since politics likes to reach out for moral/Christian issues and rule on them!
Even if you aren’t politically motivated, running for a school board is a powerful Christian work! Satan is working overtime in our educational institutions – LGBT and atheist activists and organizations are exerting powerful influence over what is taught, what is allowed, and even what can be said on our educational campuses around the nation. The more Christian influences on the school boards, the less satanic influences can be placed!
What about the news media? Most people agree that news has been overcome by propaganda. We need more honest newscasters. Of course, the big problem is that the news organizations are driving a political agenda that supports certain types of news and only wants to report on that, even to point of falsifying that type of news to make it fit within their agenda. Therefore, those who would want to tell the truth would need to find ways of being independent or find employers that have no political agenda and just want the truth to be advanced.
Consider this website for news to keep you informed or to work for if that is your calling – Christian news and commentary. Do you know of others? Please share in comments for approval and they will be posted to this site.
Teaching our youth is a worthwhile use of Christian activism, but only in a school that would allow truth to be taught and would not bend to atheist and LGBT agendas and dissemination of propaganda. That tends to limit the possibilities in the United States only to Christian schools and not even all of them! Many of the schools have compromised with false teachings and are forcing their teachers to adhere to and teach those agenda-driven ideas.
Or, influence children in other ways. One organization that is trying to help is – clean up the trash in media and other negative influences on our children, as well as exploitation of children. Do you know of others? Please share in comments for approval and they will be posted to this site.
More to come
We all know there is much to be said and done regarding these topics. This website intends to help with solutions to these problems. It is a sounding board and meeting place for those who are concerned about America in such a time as this! Please leave comments and feedback. This site is just being built and has much work to do! Reader participation and contribution is vital to the success of our mission to bring American back to Jesus! Thank you for your participation!