This blog will be designed with the following thoughts in mind and will endeavor to assist the believer in standing for truth and allowing the seeker to find the truth!
We live in a time unprecedented in history, not for the extent of evil that is manifesting itself, for there is nothing new under the sun, but for the speed and multiplicity of events and occurrences – like birth pangs leading to the final coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
As Christians, what is our responsibility, our role to play? Do we just say, “come what may? God is in charge and He’ll make it happen the way He wants it to?” While I won’t argue that God is in charge today, as He always has been and always will be, a quick perusal of scriptures would seem to say that He expects more of His people than such a lackadaisical attitude. We see time and time again that God uses His faithful to bring about change and enforce His will. It is a privilege to live in a time when so much of what is happening in the world can be influenced for better if we let Jesus lead us toward righteousness.
So, what should be doing?
- Pray! Not just for yourself to be strong and discerning (definitely do pray for that!), but for the culture, the leaders, all the lost souls, and especially for the church and her leaders, that they would act boldly, lovingly, and with conviction, standing for the faith and for the furtherance of the Kingdom.
- Study the weapons that Satan is using to destroy the values of Christianity. Find out what the main issues are and Satan’s main talking points to make them appear just and right. Find God’s answers in the scriptures and memorize them so that you are ready to defend them whenever you are confronted with opposition.
- Do research and discover what is happening in politics and culture pertaining to these matters so that you are educated and prepared to engage activists and seekers alike.
- Find individuals and organizations that are standing firm for Christ and study their methods, even get training from them if possible. Put on your armor and weapons of warfare and train to engage!
- Stay firm and don’t allow Satan to use your emotions to twist or compromise your cause or position. Study the issues from both sides of the argument and be prepared to stand firm in defense of God’s Word.
- Find the individuals and organization standing against God’s will. Familiarize yourself with who they are, what they stand for, who/what they align themselves with, and what methods they are employing to promote their ideologies. Pray for more discernment to recognize them and their tactics whenever and wherever they appear. Be prepared! You may find that they are aligned with people, organizations, or causes that appear to be God-fearing on the surface. If one of these apparent deceivers appears in a surprising place or group, ask yourself if they are truly deceived or if they have turned away from the Word. Pray, research, act!
- Spurn compromise! It only serves to deceive and is one of Satan’s most valuable tools. It is a tool that grows in increasing increments. Every time you compromise, you give Satan a little more credibility for his cause and suffer more loss of your convictions, until, before you know it, you no longer even recognize what you are working for or standing against.
- Always be loving and truthful. Tell the truth because you love the erring ones and want them to know the truth, no matter how much they might dislike it!