Does Jesus come first in your life? What does that look like? We see how the unsaved put their priorities first. They set aside months with special emphasis, such as Gay Pride month. June is the month they have chosen for this month-long pagan celebration of evil. June has traditional been a month for weddings! This year is more “in your face” than previous years have been. The entire culture of the USA, as well as other lands, is celebrating these antichristian rituals in hopes of corrupting our children and destroying our faith.
Christians must unite!! (Jn. 17:21, Rom. 14:19) Jesus wanted His followers to be unified and a new unity movement for Christ is under way!
“Christian Monthly Crusades”
A new Crusade, you say? Weren’t the Crusades a humanitarian disaster? Well, to be sure, there was much death and destruction in the original crusades. They involved warfare and death due to a controversial desire for possession of the Holy Land by followers of diverse faiths. But, more modern usage of the term “crusade” carries a connotation of working toward positive outcomes, usually without physical warfare. Christians are called to promote peace and to stand against evil. We are to be spiritual soldiers and ambassadors that peacefully promote the kingdom of God instead of the kingdoms of this world. (II Cor. 5:20) As soldiers, we are called to don our suits of armor and fight the spiritual battle against the forces of darkness in this world. (Eph. 6:10-18)
Are you feeling like you have to acquiesce to the pressure Satan is exerting on the church and all of society to bow to his demands? The unsaved are strongly pushing their beliefs onto everyone and those who disagree are “prejudice” or “white supremacists” or not “woke.” It will get worse! For now, just the pressure to give up what we know to be right from God’s Word and to give in to the unholy movement that is upon us is very strong and many are falling away because of that pressure. (Gal. 6:9, 2 Thes. 3:3) Hold on to the Word!!! Don’t let evil prevail during our watch.
The Church has survived for centuries, even in times and places (yes, even today) of intense persecution. Sometimes and in some places Christians have gone underground, peacefully and quietly practicing persistent, faithful worship and evangelism. To be sure, the persecuted Church experiences extreme danger and resistance, but it thrives! Acts 8:1-4 shows us that persecution began in the very early days of the Church but did not prevent growth. It actually promoted teaching and spread of the Word by scattering the believers across the known world!
Today, there is severe persecution in many parts of the globe. Some of these places, such as China and Iran, are experiencing rapid spread of the Word and growth of the Church. God is still on His throne and Jesus – the Word – is still working to save the lost! The Holy Spirit continues to spread Himself across the globe as the Word promised, “and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matt. 24:14)
Whether persecution causes growth of the Church or not is a matter of debate, but persecution is a work of satanic forces in the world. (Jam. 4:7) The darkness of the world wants to swallow-up the Light, which is, of course, Jesus, the Word of God. (Jn. 8:10, Matt. 6:22-24)
Evil is abounding today all over the world!
- Abortion is and has been a scourge that has taken the lives of millions over the passed few decades.
- Homosexuality and gender confusion, in all manifestations (such as transgenderism, pedophilia, etc.), is being thrust forward at an alarming rate and is being heavily promoted to our children, which is most alarming! (Matt. 19:14, Matt. 18:6)
- Immorality in relationships has been increasingly accepted. Hook-up culture [live together and then throw each other away like trash when it no longer conveniences us (I Cor. 6:19-20)], which is often accepted and practiced even by “Christians;” casual sex (I Cor. 6:13, Eph. 5:3); divorce without biblical cause and remarriage (Matt. 19:6-9) is also often accepted by the members of the “church.”
- Deception! (Col. 2:8) Jesus warned against being deceived (Lk. 21:8) in the last days (the church age) for there are many false teachers who are working, even within the church, to deceive us.
- The list goes on and on!!!
We believers are to be separated from the world, called out to represent Jesus (I Jn 2:15-17). We live in this world but are not part of it.
What to do?
We must remove ourselves from partaking in the sinfulness and worshiping the pride of life and lust of the flesh (Rom. 12:1-2). We must stand against the darkness. Our treasure is where our heart is (Lk. 12:34) and we must have a heart for Jesus and His kingdom, not this world. We must be the gatekeepers for His Church. We must not quote biblical truths for convenience and then back-off when we are challenged or made to feel uncomfortable.
We are living in a time and a society that hates and takes offense in God/Jesus and all that Christianity stands for. If we want to be worthy of Christ and not accused by Him in the judgment, then we must stand on the Sword/Word of God! We must fight the good fight of faith and hold ourselves separate and apart from the sinfulness of this world. (I Tim. 6:12)
Face the Problem
A lot of people who turn to sin and find Satan instead of Jesus are lonely and in pain, looking for love and acceptance. The world offers them such things as “Gay Pride” and “it’s the woman’s body and she can choose to do with her own body whatever she wants.” (I Jn. 2:16) This is all pride and vanity! It does not give people what they are looking for. Unwanted pregnancies usually come from immoral behavior. The lost are looking for love – God! We must teach them that love is not sex. Sex comes to us through the avenue of love.
God is love and God made us sexual beings within love and marriage so that we could have enjoyment of life and for reproduction. Putting sex before love and commitment, as so often happens, removes God from the relationship (sin separates us from God) and our search for love becomes merely an unsatisfying and discouraging fruitless adventure. God would have us be something beautiful and pure and righteous and holy because He loves us. We will never find love in sinfulness. God is love and God is righteousness. Lust and sin cannot abide with Him.
Can’t we rely on the organized church?
The church has become complacent and accepting of the satanic influences in our society today. We see all the sin and the suffering that it causes and we do nothing or very little. Soldiers of Christ arise!! Put your armor on!! We are living in the age of the Laodiceans (Rev. 3:16-17). We have become lukewarm and God will spit us out of His mouth. Where is our fire?! Perhaps in the USA we have become fat and lazy due to our religious freedom. If so, perhaps God is going to take that from us so that we can be re-forged with fire and transformed into His creatures again. (2 Cor. 5:17) Perhaps He will renew us or maybe He will just spit us out and find someone else to carry on!
Take our stand
So what must we do? We must shed our complacency and stand up! (Col. 3:17, 2 Thes. 3:3) Jesus is calling us to take back the church and to spread the gospel (Acts 8:4, Mark 16:15) Taking the church back means strengthening ourselves first so that we can stand. Complacency leads to weakness and the lost will not follow the weak. Put on the whole armor of God first, produce good fruit, and reap the benefits of that fruit, which is of the Spirit. (Gal. 5:22-25) Once your fruit is well preserved and showing clearly (Matt. 7:16) and you are shining God’s strength, then teach and evangelize the lost, spread the light throughout the darkness of this world. (Matt. 23:24)
But, we can’t force the lost to find Jesus and be saved. We must be gentle, persuasive, persistent, and vocal. (Lk. 8:12-13) (Rom. 10:17) “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?”(Is. 52:7, Rom 10:14-15)
Become a crusader for Jesus and set aside time each month to practice faith and truth in a dark, lost world! Practice all these monthly disciplines daily, but set aside specific months to concentrate on particular aspects of spiritual discipline and faith to help us to reinforce our own faith; conquer complacency; edify one another; let the world see and find the light of Christ; and be thorough in our spiritual walk (not concentrating all our efforts in one place) – in short, be a Crusade of peace and faith for and through Jesus Christ, remembering Him and worshiping Him as our Lord and Savior! Hallelujah!
The plan is simple – Join us!
If you are interested in participating with a united effort to fight darkness and evil, while promoting truth and light, please respond on this page. If we can get some people together we can start a unified movement for Christ! Denominations are not relevant. This movement is for unity.
Monthly Crusade list:
Emphasis on commandments 1-3 of the 10 commandments – no gods but the true God, no graven images or worship objects, do not take the Lord’s name in vain
January – Christianity Month
- Peace is promoted through devotion to Jesus and His Word and through serving the Holy Spirit in His quest to advance the Kingdom
- Rejoice and let your shine before men
- Honor the commandments of Jesus, love the Lord
February – Sabbath month – rest and be satisfied
- Emphasis on commandments 4 and 10 – Sabbath rest and don’t covet
- Do not covet what is not yours and be thankful for what God has provided for you
- Take time for rest and caring for your own body and health
- examine yourself for strong faith and discernment
- have a heart for heaven instead of this world
- deny yourselves and take up your cross
- turn the other cheek, forgive
March – Family month
- Emphasis on commandment 5 – Honor your father and your mother
- Honor marriage as defined by God, preserving the family unit
- Honor childbirth (that’s how we all got here!), stand against abortion (child sacrifice to Satan!)
- Serve orphans and widows
April – Life month
- Emphasis on commandment 6 – no murder
- promote life and stop abortion and other types of murder and violence
- Lift up in prayer and service those who are suffering, helping them to find comfort in Jesus (the suffering savior)
- Stop suicide
May – Morality month
- Emphasis on commandment 7 – no adultery, sexual sin
- Discourage all sexual sin – adultery, free sex, pornography, homosexuality, prostitution, etc.
- Help your brother/sister with sin control, confession, and resistance
- Beware of deception/leaven – the influence of Satan – which is so prevalent in society today, even within the church
June – Work month (we don’t want to be confrontational. June is Gay Pride month so we dealt with immorality in May.)
- Emphasis on commandment 8 – don’t steal
- Earn your living with joy, honesty, and sincerity
- Practice righteousness and clean living
- Clean speech so you can hear God’s voice
- Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s by honoring the law of the land so long as it does not conflict with God’s law
July – Honesty month
- Emphasis on commandment 9 – no lying
- Be truthful and forthright in all communication and action
- Confess your sins one to another
- Discern evil and strive for perfection in Christ
August – Service month
- Follow the Golden Rule (Matt 7:12, Luke 6:31) – do good to others
- Serve mankind – feed the poor, clothe the naked, etc.
- Serve widows and orphans (again, as in March, but all these things should be ongoing)
- Give to the church and to Christian organizations
- Promote healing and healthcare
September – Prayer and Praise month
- The greatest commandment (Mark 12:28-34) – love God
- Pray and watch for answers, be thankful for His blessings and for answers to prayers even if it was not you wanted
- Ask for stronger faith, wisdom, knowledge, fearlessness, humility, closer walk with Jesus
- Take Jesus’ yoke onto yourself without reservation and display it for others
- Be inspired and pass it on
October – Brotherly Love month
- The second greatest commandment (continuing with Mark 12:28-34) – love your neighbor as yourself
- Love your enemies
- Be harmless and humble to all
- Do not judge, forgive and ask for forgiveness
- Serve others fervently and constantly
November – Evangelism month
- The Great commission (Matt 28:16-20, Mark 16:15-18, Luke 24:44-49, John 20:19-23, Acts 1:8) – make disciples
- Preach/teach/evangelize
- Watch and be ready to witness
- Stop the persecution of Christians throughout the world
- Be thankful for Christ and His sacrifice, tell others
December – Spirit month
- Cultivate the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) and stay in step with Him
- Practice agape love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control